HOW TO: nominate tags

Tag nominations open 12.01am August 30th to midnight EST September 1.
When nominations open the Folger's Flash twitter will post a link.
By nominating a fandom and relationship tag, you will be able to make requests and offers for the ships when sign-up's open.
This is done through a simple form on AO3.

On the form you will see a text box labelled "fandom", followed by several boxes labelled "relationship".
Put the fandom you wish to nominate into the top box beside the "fandom" label, then fill in the relationships associated with the fandom into the relationship boxes below. For this event, you can nominate up to 20 relationships per fandom.

Scrolling down, you will find more boxes labelled "fandom" and "relationship". Our form allows up to 20 fandoms, feel free to add more fandoms with more associated ships.

Hit submit when finished. You may return to add more during the nomination period.Mods will review and accept the tags into the collection.Notes:
The form should autofill with canonical pairings; if this doesn't happen you may have to type out the relationship tag manually.
Up to 20 fandoms, with 20 tags per fandom may be submitted per account.
Tags are not required to be incest ships as our event allows incest AUs (including step relations, adoption, raised as family etc).
We are reusing our prior tag set, the ship you wish to nominate may already be in the set; you may resubmit them however if your form is full, it may be worth checking the tag set to remove any doubles.
Original characters and slash reader are permitted.
Tags must be from existing fandoms (not original works).